Palace of Fine Arts – San Francisco, California

The Palace of Fine Arts is a stunning structure located in sunny San Francisco. Located in the Marina District of San Francisco. Although originally built in 1915 it has since been rebuilt to include upgrades to the lagoon and walkways. It continues to hosts art exhibits today and is a popular location for weddings. Many couples choose this historic landmark for their photo shoots because of the grand rotunda structure and the impressive Greek style colonnades. Additionally, the water of the pretty lagoon produces a mirror reflection of the building beautifully. This makes Palace Fine Arts ideal for engagement photos!

The Beaux-Arts architectural style of The Palace of Fine Arts will create a dreamy feeling for your engagement photos. The beautiful style of the building makes you feel as though you are in a romantic European country – not San Francisco!  There are many areas to tuck away for a photo session. So you’ll feel like you have the place to yourself! You and your partner will leave with special images to cherish and memories of your days before making it official! If you are looking for something unique, classy and still within a quick driving distance of anywhere in the city, consider the Palace of Fine Arts.